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Thursday, September 3, 2020
Reading Philosophies Essay Example
Perusing Philosophies Essay Perusing Philosophies Katy J. Kaldenberg Grand Canyon University: EED-470 Curriculum, Methods and Assessment: Literacy and Language Arts K-3 Monday, March 11, 2013 Reading Philosophies Chart Reading Philosophy| Brief Description| Reading Activities| Reading Assessments| Constructivist Reading Instruction| Constructivists see the understudy as a functioning member in the learning procedure who develops an individual significance from each experience (Ying-Tien Chin-Chung, 2005). One Constructivist perusing action for showing an understudy another word is that the understudy is educated to utilize picture signs to figure out how to peruse (Ying-Tien, Chin-Chung, 2005). For instance, if the understudy can't peruse a word, the individual is educated to take a gander at the image at that point return and to the word and supposition the importance. Another movement for constructivist perusing guidance would be that the instructor would have understudies work in little gatherings to talk ab out a book that was perused to the class. The little gatherings of understudies may then additionally make their own story. Constructivist perusing evaluations would incorporate the educator gathering day by day execution tests of work, watching and recording student’s conduct, sound and recording understudies in various circumstances, and building a portfolio loaded up with data about every understudy (Ying-Tien Chin-Chung, 2005). The assessment procedure is for the educator, parent, and youngster. Meetings can likewise be held to examine progress. | Explicit Reading Instruction| Explicit perusing guidance is instructor coordinated (Goeke, 2009). The educator utilizes clarification and exhibition to show explicit understanding abilities and techniques (Goeke, 2009). The instructor likewise gives remedial criticism to their understudies as the understudies endeavor to apply the new information (Goeke, 2009). | A case of unequivocal perusing guidance would be that the educator would express the sound and spelling of a particular letter-sound correspondence and afterward exhibit by displaying how to peruse words that incorporate that component to the class (Taylor, Peterson, Pearson, Rodriguez, 2002). The understudies at that point would rehearse yet simply after the educator has demonstrated the procedure first. A second case of express perusing guidance is instruct unraveling to understudies that have deficiencies in word perusing. A third case of unequivocal perusing guidance would have understudies utilize the mental helper DISSECT (Discover the specific situation, Isolate the prefix, Separate the addition, Say the stem, Examine the stem, Check with somebody, and Try the word reference) to peruse obscure words (Adams Engelmann, 1996). The instructor would encourage every methodology step expressly (Adams Engelmann, 1996). We will compose a custom article test on Reading Philosophies explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom exposition test on Reading Philosophies explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom exposition test on Reading Philosophies explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer A significant piece of unequivocal perusing guidance is that the educator consistently depicts the technique, gives the method of reasoning to its utilization, and states how and when to actualize a procedure expressly to the understudies and the guidance is constantly executed methodicallly (Adams Engelmann, 1996). | Explicit perusing evaluations would incorporate having understudy answer different decision inquiries concerning chosen text entry; translating appraisals can likewise be given (Taylor, Peterson, Pearson, Rodriguez, 2002). One case of an interpreting evaluation would be that the understudy is given disconnected words each in turn, and the understudy is approached to state the word resoundingly. The words chose for an interpreting appraisal ought to be words that are inside the student’s spoken jargon, and ought to contain a blend of phonetically ordinary and phonetically sporadic words (Goeke, 2009). Another sort of evaluation is that of state administered tests, for example, the Diagnostic Assessments of Reading (DAR) and the Florida Assessments for Instruction in Reading (FAIR). | Reading Philosophies Summary The instructive domain isn't liberated from debates. Questions on perusing instructional practices have been progressing for the greater part a century. On one side of this discussion is made out of the individuals who accept that understudies learn best when they can find and build the fundamental data for themselves. This kind of guidance is frequently called understudy focused or constructivist guidance (Confrey, 1990). On the contrary side of this discussion are the individuals who accept that understudies possibly flourish when full, unequivocal guidance is given and understudy ought not need to find fundamental substance (Goeke, 2009). This sort of guidance is frequently alluded to as immediate or unequivocal guidance (Goeke, 2009). When talking about understanding guidance, this discussion has frequently been begat as the â€Å"reading wars†. Constructivist Reading Instruction is gotten from the hypothesis of constructivism. One could accept that constructivism is gotten from Piaget’s own reference to his perspectives just like a â€Å"constructivist†or conceivable from Bruner’s depiction of learning disclosure as â€Å"constructionist†(Gruber Voheche, 1977). Some different terms that have been utilized to reference a constructivist method of learning incorporate generative learning, arranged learning, bona fide learning, and instructive semiotic (Wittrock, 1985; Cunningham, 1992). Constructivists accept that all learning ought to be understudy focused. They feel that information is acquired distinctly during a significance making search where the understudy is engaged with the way toward building their own translations of their encounters. Constructivist by and large concur that understudies a lot of develop their own learning, all new learning is subject to the student’s existing understanding, social connection assumes a basic job in learning, and bona fide learning assignments are vital for figuring out how to be significant (Bruning, Schraw, Ronning, 1995; Pressley, Harris, Marks, 1992). As per constructivists, all together for an understudy to build new significance the person needs to bend over backward to understand every single new understanding and afterward should relate those to encounters to what exactly is now known (Confrey, 1990). Constructivists likewise guarantee that an impetus for gaining information is discourse and social collaboration encourages getting (Brown, 1994). Constructivist instructors plan to give agreeable learning errands and companion mentoring for their understudies. Constructivist educator frequently accept that understudies learn quicker when they are effectively associated with exchange with their companions about noteworthy issues (Brooks, 1993). The constructivist study hall would be loaded up with understudies meandering about the study hall acquiring supplies, consulting with peers or the instructor, and taking a shot at self-coordinated tasks (Brooks, 1993). Constructivist instructors highly esteem posing huge inquiries, giving opportunity to understudy to think and investigate to discover answers (Brooks, 1993). In a genuine study hall, there are numerous blemishes engaged with rehearsing constructivist guidance. The main serious issue is that frequently just the most brilliant understudies make the disclosure that is required (Pace, 2011). Another issue is that numerous understudies become disappointed. This dissatisfaction many reason a few understudies to withdraw and different understudies may basically duplicate whatever their friends are doing in any case in either case the understudies never really find anything (Pace, 2011). A third issue is that a few understudies may accept they have made a disclosure however truth be told, they have just taken in a misinterpretation (Pace, 2011). These confusions would then be able to meddle with future learning and critical thinking (Pace, 2011). Studies have demonstrated that once an understudy has trusted one of these confusions that significantly after they have been show the right answer they are still prone to review the first disclosure and not the remedy (Pace, 2011). Alongside the over four issues considers have demonstrated that constructivist guidance can bring about an expansion in accomplishment hole (Pace, 2011). Many years of exploration has approved that express guidance is substantially more viable for perusing guidance when contrasted with constructivist understanding guidance. Kirschner, Sweller, and Clark (2006) states, â€Å"After 50 years of promotion related with guidance utilizing negligible direction, apparently there is no assortment of exploration supporting the method. To the extent that there is any proof from controlled investigations, it consistently bolsters immediate, solid instructional direction instead of constructivist-based negligible direction. Kirschner, Sweller, and Clark (2006) likewise reports, â€Å"†¦ Not just is unguided guidance regularly less viable; there is additionally proof that it might have negative outcomes when understudies secure misguided judgments or inadequate or scattered information. †Research has indicated that when showing new abilities and substance to understudies, giving unequivocal directions went with training and criticism is more viable than expecting understudies to find numerous parts of what they are to realize (Hall, 2002). Express guidance is educator coordinated. The educator gives the understudies a full clarification of the new aptitude or idea that the understudy is required to learn (Hall, 2002). The instructor additionally utilizes an assortment of housing, for example, addressing, displaying, recordings and other media, and showing to give the understudies appropriate direction (Hall, 2002). Understudies should be expressly told what to do and the best way to accomplish something first and afterward they should be allowed the chance to work on doing it while they get remedial criticism from the instructor (Hall, 2002). Broad exploration bolsters express instruction’s accomplishment as a proof based practice. Adams and Engelmann (1996) discovered thirt
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Kiki Smiths Biography and Works
Kiki Smith was destined to Tony Smith an American Sculptor in 1954 in Nuremberg, Germany. She is an American conceived in Germany. Quite a bit of her youth years, Kiki spend helping her dad in his work. She got formal training. She didn't adore craftsmanship at her young age since all her youth was spent working for her father.Advertising We will compose a custom research paper test on Kiki Smith’s Biography and Works explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More She didn't make the most of her adolescence as other kids did. At the point when other kids went for no particular reason exercises like outdoors they never had the chance, their work was isolating twigs for her dad and helping him in his work. She didn't care for what he father did and his appearance on account of how kids ridiculed his facial hair and claiming a yards until having a whiskers got in vogue. Her work includes utilizing stone carvers, canvases and drawings in narrating. The vast majority of her craftsmanship particularly in her initial a very long time in her profession spun around the subject of death. Until having a facial hair got in vogue. Kiki was destined to a catholic family. She accepts that her childhood assisted with forming her future profession as a craftsman. She contrasts Catholics and workmanship, in that, the Catholic confidence makes an association between the otherworldly world and the physical world that resembles craftsmanship, the Catholic confidence brings out what inside is. She additionally draws out the association among craftsmanship and the catholic that both are types of narrating. Kiki’s work of art utilizes the utilization of stone workers, artistic creations and drawings to pass out her message. She utilizes the iconography of fantasies and story in her work, she gets from the western iconography as of now fill nor loaded with importance. The visual imagery of minimal Red Riding Hood, the Evil Witch, the shouting banshee, trigger a wh irlwind of affiliations. Smith breaks this exchange, in any case, by interposing sudden storylines into the conventional stories (Close 170). She has an energy for artistic creations and figures she clarifies this is so on the grounds that with works of art and models, you can upgrade them until you bring out what you need. To her, this is an enthusiasm and she gives the best (Richard 251). Kiki Smith is progressively intrigued by her own reality. Her work includes a greater amount of mentioning objective facts then in gratefulness she gives a story. It is a greater amount of perception than individual cooperation. It is about her own reality and how it identifies with others. Kiki says, â€Å"The most significant thing for me is taking a gander at objects†(Richard 251). She gets motivation by watching things. She affirms that to her, it is difficult to peruse that she utilizes perception; even in her school days, she thought that it was hard to peruse so what she realizes b est is focusing on things or in her words, â€Å"I tune in to things, or I tune in to what individuals say†(Seaman 718).Advertising Looking for inquire about paper on workmanship? We should check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Her works in the start of her profession primarily were identified with death. She would ask why individuals kick the bucket and on the off chance that it was fit for men to pass on. This emerged after her father’s passing. Her work depended on how she could endure and shield herself from death. She contemplates one attempting to secure him/herself. In her room, she had a skull and had an image of Charlie Manson. She would address the skull and state that Charlie will never get her. This is the amount she dreaded passing. She was consistently terrified of death and continued reasoning that somebody would pass on in their structure. She affirms that something peculiar used to occur in that building and th e second she entered, nobody passed on however they could get admonitions from the local group of fire-fighters and that they expected to clean the house or, more than likely an awful thing would occur there (Yablonsky 134). When she had the telephone ring, dread would envelop her and she dislike returning home since she thought somebody had passed on. In her youth, she generally figured demise would strike constantly. This impacts the beginning of her profession in fine art where, as indicated by her, fine art at first centered around death. Never did she comprehend why individuals kicked the bucket until she at long last acknowledged that it was alright for individuals to pass on. She saw passing as unusual as a kid. She scarcely has confidence in things she has not seen in light of the fact that her inspiration is in observing and very little in hearing. She accepts that it is a great idea to be attentive for you to become more acquainted with a ton. To her, when you see somethin g, you can decipher it in different structures (Drake 287). She is a major aficionado of Virgin Mary. This is on the grounds that she was raised as a catholic. She has made numerous works of art with respect to the virgin. Her dad used to advise her that â€Å"it was Irish catholic to be morbid†(Drake 287). The majority of Kiki’s work gets from Julia Kristeva particularly her convictions of the â€Å"abject†and â€Å"horror†in her stories about AIDS. The two specialists are women's activists and have an extraordinary enthusiasm for sexual issues and ladies portrayal. Crafted by the two specialists in their work of art makes the image of woman's rights that is ladylike feelings and brain research. Works Cited Close, Chuck. Kiki Smith. Time 167.19 (2006): 170. Print.Advertising We will compose a custom research paper test on Kiki Smith’s Biography and Works explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Drake, Cathryn. Kiki Smith. Artforum global 44.4(2005): 287. Print. Richard, Frances. Kiki Smith. Artforum worldwide 48.9(2010): 251. Print. Sailor, Donna. Kiki Smith. The Booklist 95.8 (1998): 718. Print. Yablonsky, Linda. Kiki Smith. Artforum worldwide 44.1(2005): 134. Print. This exploration paper on Kiki Smith’s Biography and Works was composed and put together by client Gunnar Q. to help you with your own examinations. You are allowed to utilize it for research and reference purposes so as to compose your own paper; in any case, you should refer to it likewise. You can give your paper here.
Friday, August 21, 2020
How The Simpsons Affects Kids Essays - The Simpsons, Free Essays
How The Simpsons Affects Kids Essays - The Simpsons, Free Essays How The Simpsons Affects Kids The Simpsons is one of Americas most well known TV programs. It positions as the main TV program for watchers under eighteen years old. Be that as it may, the goals that The Simpsons passes on are not constantly healthy, in some cases not even in great taste. It is unavoidable that The Simpsons is influencing youngsters. Matt Groening took up attracting to escape from his difficulties in 1977. At that point, Groening was working for the L.A. Peruser, a free week after week paper. He started chipping away at Life in Hell, an entertaining comic strip comprising of individuals with hare ears. The L.A. Peruser got a duplicate of his funny cartoon and loved what they saw. Life in Hell bit by bit turned into a typical funny cartoon in many free weeklies and school papers the nation over. It even built up a clique status. (Varhola, 1) Life in Hell drew the consideration of James L. Creeks, maker of works, for example, Taxi, The Mary Tyler Moore Show, and Terms of Charm. Creeks initially needed Groening to make a vivified pilot of Life in Hell. Groening decided not to do as such in dread of loosing eminences from papers that printed the strip. Groening introduced Streams with an overweight, thinning up top dad, a mother with a blue bee sanctuary haircut, and three upsetting spiky haired kids. Groening proposed for them to speak to the common American family who love one another and make each other insane. Groening named the characters after his own family. His folks were named Homer and Margaret and he had two more youthful sisters named Lisa and Maggie. Bart was a re-arranged word for whelp. Groening picked the last name Simpson to seem like the average American family name. (Varhola, 2) Creeks chose to put the 30 or 60 second livelinesss on between dramas on The Tracy Ullman Show on the fruitless Fox organize. Cast individuals Dan Castellaneta and Julie Kavner did the voices of Homer and Marge. Yeardley Smith (later to star in Herman's Head) did the voice of Lisa. Nancy Cartwright did the voice of Bart. Cartwright recently provided the voices for some, kid's shows, including Cosmic system High, Fantastic Max, Richie Rich, Snorks, Pound Puppies, My Little Pony, and Glo-Friends. Tracy Ullman later added Cartwright to her cast. (Dale and Trich, 11) Creeks, Groening, and Sam Simon, Tracy Ullman's maker, needed to transform the Simpson family into their own show. The Fox organize was searching for material to speak to more youthful watchers. The just show they had that drew a youthful crowd was Married With Youngsters. To Fox's pleasure, The Simpsons spared the system from close disappointment. (Varhola, 3) On December 17, 1989, The Simpsons got their break. The Christmas uncommon, Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire circulated. (Dale furthermore, Trich, 19) In the scene, Bart got a tattoo, a lot to Marge's hate. She immediately went through the entirety of the family's Christmas cash to evacuate Bart's tattoo with a laser. Simultaneously, Homer, still on his morning short breather at 4:00 toward the evening, discovers that he will not get a Christmas reward. At the point when he discovers that Marge is depending on target for Christmas, he concludes that he will do the Christmas looking for the year. He rapidly purchases Marge undies hose, Bart paper, Lisa colored pencils, and Maggie a canine toy. At the point when he understands that he isn't doing well indeed, he finds a second line of work as a shopping center Santa for the extra cash. In transit home from work, he takes a Christmas tree. The following day at the shopping center, Bart sits on his Dad's lap and pulls down his whiskers. Homer reacts by gagging Bart and making him help make Christmas better. On Christmas Eve, Homer gets his check, $13.70 for more than 40 hours work. Homer takes Bart to the pooch track as a last chance for Christmas cash. They found a diamond in the third race, Santa Clause's Little Helper. How could this pooch lose on Christmas Eve? The chances were 99 to 1, they would have been rich. Homer put the entirety of his cash on Santa's Little Helper, and regrettably, he never at any point wrapped up. As Homer and Bart were scouring the parking area for winning tickets into the night, they saw the track administrator toss
Sunday, June 7, 2020
The History Of United Overseas Bank - Free Essay Example
Having a history of over 75 years, United Overseas Bank (UOB) was first founded as the United Chinese Bank in 6 August 1935 by Datuk Wee Kheng Chiang. In its early years, UOB catered mainly to the Fujian community. It was then renamed as UOB in 1965. Establishment of UOB UOB has grown strongly over the years. It has established itself as a leading and regional bank in Singapore and also in Asia through a series of acquisitions. Today, the UOB group has expanded worldwide in 19 countries and territories in Asia Pacific, Western Europe and North America having a network of over 500 offices. Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and mainland China are the banking subsidiaries of UOB. One of the main board of directors, Dr Wee Cho Yaw, being the chairman, he takes charge of the subsidiaries of UOB such as Far Eastern Bank, United Overseas Insurance, United Overseas Bank (Malaysia) and United Overseas Bank (Thai) Public Company, President Commissioner of PT Bank UOB Indonesia and PT Bank UOB Buana. Financial Services provided UOB offers an extensive range of financial services through its global network and partnership with associates, giving access to services like private banking, personal financial services, commercial and corporate banking and investment banking are some of which that the bank caters to. With the diversified interests, UOB is said to be committed in providing quality products and services in the region. In the business of credit and debit cards, UOB is a market leader in Singapore. It is also a dominant player in loans to small and medium enterprises and also private residential home loan business. UOB Asset Management being the fund management arm has been recognized as one of Singapores most awarded fund managers. Performance review for Q3 2010 UOB Groups net profit after tax rose 44.2% to $1,990 million for the nine months outlook as compared to a year ago. Operating profit grew 25.8% to $912 million and this was mainly driven by the higher trading and investment income. The total income increased significantly by 16% to $1,468 million. More about UOB Currently, UOB has approximately over 10,000 staff under its helm. I am attached to Commercial Banking Product Sales Specialist: Factoring, which is responsible for helping the relationship managers clinch factoring deals and relating to clients on how factoring can help their financing. The aim of such financial service is to benefit both the clients and the bank. The organisation chart of UOB can be found in Appendix 1. (400 words) 2. Description of job/work assigned 2.1 Project: End-to-End Factoring Workflow It was a project given to me and the Management Associates (MA). The task is to create a better workflow for the team using the existing one to be able to comprehend it better. This is in view that the factoring workflow has too many steps which are not in favour to the team. It involves thirty steps and it can be very time consuming, confusing and tedious to the reader. The main purpose was to enhance the workflow such that it benefits everyone. Shortening the workflow and picking out the redundant steps were some of the suggestions made. However, the challenge faced was that the steps involved were hard to minimize or even leave out. Meetings are still currently being held to discuss what could be done to make further improvements to the workflow. 2.2 Cross Checking of the migration system Two dummy accounts are created to assist in the checking of the migration systems. This is to ensure that before the launch of the Business Internet Banking account is implemented; all necessary screenings of discrepancies are made. Checking of spelling errors, figures, dates, accounting format, etc were part of ensuring the migration has no mistakes. When an erroneous mistake was found, a description of the error is noted with a print screen attached to show the errors. After giving a summary description of the error spotted in the system, it will be sent to the IT department who is in charge of doing the software migration for the accounts. 2.3 Summary of Factoring accounts A list of accounts that the factoring team is currently liaising and servicing was required. My task was to identify the relationship managers involved in the servicing of the accounts. I am to read through the files of the clients that have engaged in the factoring facilities given by the bank. The debtors involved, debtors limit, credit limit and type of factoring account which was opened, were needed to be updated. This is to give the product sales team a better overview of the details as mentioned above when they are to refer to any specific client. It helps to summarize the important information as knowing who the debtors are, the limits given to both the client and debtors allows the sales team to have the facts on their finger tips when referring to the list. This gives them better information at hand than referring to the files whenever needed. The list will be updated as and when necessary. 2.4 Background check of client Reading up on the client so as to understand the nature of business and how it functions gives an overview of what needs to be discussed in the survey call. This is to prepare well for the Pre-Activation survey with which the survey team is involved in. Before heading down to clients premise, the factoring workflow will be checked against for the documents needed. Having a good knowledge of what needs to be done and prepared helps ease the audit process. This in turns leaves a good impression to client as we are able to do business smoothly with no mishaps. 2.5 Merging of Product Manual Target Operating Manual (TOM) and Product Guide are to be merged into one final product manual Factoring. It serves as a comprehensive product guide for the department. It requires the thorough identification of changes in both guides and compiling the necessary or unnecessary additional info. Updating and retrieving of input forms, creating a board resolution and amendments to the manual instructions. The rationale is to ensure the manual is updated as alterations to the processes are often made. These are later being checked by the operations department as it involves processes which they are responsible for. (600 Words) 3. Learning experiences achievements 3.1 Efficiency, Accuracy Teamwork After 11 weeks of work at UOB, the importance of being a good team player, efficient and meticulous worker was learnt. Efficiency has its own importance. However, the underlying factor that plays a major role in aiding the effectiveness of it is time management. Without the discipline in managing time, one cannot complete his tasks on time. This being the reason will hamper and affect the quality of work produced. In the workforce, deadlines and time management are at hand. This was often emphasized, even at school. It is all dependable on us and as to how we are to control the playing field. A basic and simple principle yet many failed to accomplish and acquire it. The challenge sets in when the amount of workload increases. I had to complete the tasks assigned at hand and after which, taking on more tasks whenever help is required of me. I learnt that time itself is a massive restriction and only to rush at that very minute will produce less than satisfactory results. Th is will bring about disappointments and the lack of responsibility to the team. Accuracy is another essential skill at work. It is pretty much emphasized in my department as we are to ensure that the debtors involved, contracts and other important related details such as invoices are not overlooked. We will have to identify the contacts (mailing addresses, contact number), any clauses stated in the contracts that might affect the business between UOB and the client and its business partners too. It is impossible to not make mistakes. I have made errors and alerted my supervisor and colleagues about it once it was being noted. It was a small mistake but it can be costly to the business deal. As it was my fault, I made the attempt to remind myself by writing a post-it note such that I will not make the same mistake again. Working in a department means that teamwork is a must, in order to achieve a similar objective that is set at the start. Working together requires everyone to play their part, using their strengths to their advantage and overcoming shortcomings together too. Adding on, communication should be open such as to keep the ball rolling. It acts as a foundation pillar and without it, it is impossible to succeed and proceed on. It involves more than just speaking your mind, but also paying attention to others opinions and comments. (407 Words) 3.2 Marketing/Survey Call Being part of the product sales specialist team does require travelling to clients premises and hence developing a sense of direction is vital. This is even so when hiring the cab as the driver might not be familiar with the location that we are to go to. Thus, doing a background research such as checking the street directory online and using the mobile maps helped if such situations were to arise. Keeping ourselves informed will put us at a greater advantage. The benefit of being at an external company allows me to expand my exposure to a different nature of business. It brings about a different perspective and insight of how a non-financial institution functions. The aspect of meeting people cannot be avoided and mannerism comes into play here. Tasks have to be completed swiftly with minimal disruption to the work of others. First impressions take its toll as I represent UOB; it is of utmost importance to upkeep the image of the bank. Values like having a sense of punctuality and preparedness became more than necessary. It reflects how we place our clients and showcasing the importance of their business to the bank. Furthermore, punctuality eventually reveals ones personality. In order to gain trust from others, we need to possess this quality. Ultimately, punctuality also relates to ones responsibility. All these are in relation to how I present myself for job interviews (in BCOMM 3) and project presentations since the start of year 1. Punctuality and responsibility are the deciding factors on how well I would fair. At school, these qualities were emphasized and it was a stepping stone showing how the real workplace will be. First impression is how people judge me. In BCOMM 3, I was also taught how to go about engaging a sales call. Although it is not very similar to how it is done for our factoring deals, the steps involved were relevant. The elements of being persuasive and building of rapport were required. Without a good knowledge of the produ ct or fostering a close relationship with the client, it will definitely be a hindrance in clinching a successful deal. Networking skills played a part due to the need to understand the clients expectations. As such, the business communication module has served well in allowing me to apply my knowledge at work. The soft skills acquired were a great advantage as a whole. (399 Words) 3.3 Communication skills Communication is an essential element and it has strengthened with my days at UOB. Communicating with staff or clients is indispensable at any workplace. This is because interactions are bound to exist amongst one another, especially with regards to matters relating to work. Socializing with the colleagues starts by joining them for team lunch. This allows me to integrate and understand them better. Thus, interpersonal skills are crucial as interaction with different people every day is expected of me. It cannot be mastered within a short period of time and cultivation of the skills has to be built and picked up along the way. Continuous learning and applying the knowledge learnt in school comes in handy in this particular aspect. Being more conscious in the way I speak is necessary etiquette came to light. This is because it will be a display in the impression of how others view me. It forms a pillar for people to identify if they want to develop a better relationship with me. Therefore, it is only through the interactions, I gained the chance to learn from colleagues in their areas of expertise. Good communication skills helps to build strong rapport among fellow colleagues and the business communication modules of 1-3 have taught me well. An example of starting a table topic to break the ice, meeting presentations with colleagues and clients are some of which that allowed me to apply the knowledge learnt. The outreach talks to the secondary students for Ngee Anns Open House and PolyExperience also aided my learning. Communication has been amplified ever since and I was able to comprehend what is expected of me. This became very important at work as the presentations cannot be taken lightly and I ought to be prepared at the very best of my ability. My communication skills have thus been further enhanced due to the exposure given at work. Besides, the three years of project works and presentations done have also made it a good experience speaking my thoughts out and ensure that all group members are clear about the instructions and understood it well. Hence, whenever in doubt at work, I will seek my supervisors help and counter check that I am working on the right track. I will make certain that I do according to what my supervisor should expect and this can prevent any misunderstandings or miscommunications from surfacing. (398 words) 3.4 Trade and Credit Analysis knowledge I am tasked to understand factoring and its whole procedure as it can be very complicating. This is why having a good understanding and knowledge of the product is very crucial as I am to face the workload that deals with factoring daily. I came to understand how the different contracts laid out would affect the terms and conditions binding the bank and the client. Hence, I was appreciative that I had some background knowledge of factoring and trade from Finance and International Trade (FIT), and for contracts relating to the various forms of financing from Credit Management (CM). Thus, the learning acquired from these modules has allowed me to understand my daily work better. Besides, the advantage of gaining prior knowledge was being able to relate what was learnt at school to work. It was the hands on experience at work that I am unable to practice at school. The projects given at school were just to prepare us on how the real work force would be. An example would be the crea tion of contracts and proposal from a banks perspective for both FIT and CM. It was an eye opener to me as both the contracts and proposal that I see daily at work were explained during lectures and how to go about doing a credit analysis. It involves encumbrances; the type of project financing which involves placing the different kind of charge that would be beneficial to the bank, the proposed targeted amount to be charged. Whereas for factoring, it was how the receivables are being bought over by the bank and the bank earns by charging interest and discount charges to its clients. In addition, I am tasked to read up on the background of the client and its debtors. The reason of doing so is to be familiar with the nature of business and what would the bank be going into. This prevents the bank from purchasing the bad receivables from the clients debtors and making losses. It plays a big concern as this would result to the inability of getting the debts owing to the bank or clie nt and there are risks that are bound to be taken by the bank. In CM, doing a check on the client and its nature of business was emphasized and this was the same in the banking environment. This is such as to minimize the risks undertaken. (400 words) 4. Relate an incident 4.1 Unprepared for work done An incident which was encountered would be meeting the client for a pre-activation survey. It was a good exposure as I am able to get out of the office and learn the ropes. However, the process of it was hindered along the way. Going out for the pre-activation survey is not an easy task. The purpose for the visit is to check the clients liabilities and their other commitments this is done so by checking their accounts. The process involves having a good understanding of the business prior to going down to the clients premise. However, my colleague and I were not totally prepared and this affected the questions asked in order to clarify the details which we are in doubt with. This did not put us in a good position as the client would know that we are not prepared. We had to restructure the questions being asked and to ask for a little more time from the client. Time was being wasted in this aspect and it was not a good impression representing the bank. We realized that it involv es reading up thoroughly on the background of client is vital as it would ease the inspection programme. This would then prevent the client from doubting our abilities when showing our unpreparedness. After this incident, working conscientiously became an utmost importance. Taking the responsibility in getting my work done to my fullest ability is expected of me at all times. I learnt that in the work force, second chances are not given easily and that we will have to bear the consequences. Unlike in school, we can be given chances for mistakes made and to improve on it. On hindsight, if being faced with the same situation again, I would ensure that my colleague and I stay calm and ask for a few moments from the client. I will have to apologize for the shortcomings and delay of time for a discussion with my colleague on what is to be done next how to ask the appropriate question. I will apologize for the time taken and ask for their understanding. In conclusion, I feel tha t from this experience, it helped me to develop my interpersonal skills in various areas. With me being composed and patient when uncertain and solving the problem faced by thinking on my feet at the very moment. (392 Words) 5. Appendices Appendix 1 Organisation Chart of UOB Appendix 2 Factors that affect factoring The following are factors that may denote situations not acceptable for factoring. Appendix 3 Screen shot of Client Availability Sheet This is the information that I have to counter check with the dummy accounts for the merging of the information from this software into the Business Internet Banking platform. Any disputes and discrepancies are being checked concurrently. Appendix 4 Screen Shot of Business Internet Banking Platform The changes to be made by the IT personnel Invoice Enquiry: No of items is correct but AML O/s amt is $1,888k in BIB vs $3,315k in FactorPro under CAS No of items is correct but Venture O/s amt is $785k in BIB vs $1,386k in FactorPro under CAS Appendix 5 FACTORING INSPECTION PROGRAMME The form which was used for the pre-activation survey (survey call) 1 TYPE OF INSPECTION REPORT Pre-Activation Review Investigation 2 ANY MATERIAL CHANGES FROM PREVIOUS INSPECTION? (APPLICABLE FOR REVIEW CASES ONLY) Yes No 3 GENERAL INFORMATION Clients Name Address Contact Persons (Names and Titles) Date of Inspection Type of Facility(ies) /Limits Location of Inspection (if different from adress above) Checklist Yes No Remarks (If any) i Existing Charge in ACRA? ii Negative Pledge? (Sight letter of Offer from Banks) iii Consignment Sales? Please refer to point 11 if yes. iv Two Way Trading (If yes, name Debtor) v Ban of Assignment? vi Sales Retention? vii Survey Fee Charged 4 COMPANY BACKGROUND 5 NATURE OF BUSINESS 6 ACCOUNTING RECORDS 7 BILLING PROCEDURE 8 PROGRESSIVE BILLING 9 SALES Financial Year Sales Amount ($) Sales Growth (%) 10 DILUTION (CREDIT NOTES) Month / Year Past 6 months Sales / Invoice Listing (S$) Past 6 months Credit Notes Listing (S$) Total Dilution (%) Credit Notes / Sales = _______% (Comments on Dilution) 11 CONSIGNMENT SALES (Any sales on a consignment basis? Briefly explain how it works amount Debtor involved.) As per previous review dated 27 January 2010 12 RETURNABLE ARRANGEMENT (Any sales on a returnable arrangement? Briefly explain how it works amount Debtor involved.)
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Frodos Seed of Courage - 1770 Words
Frodos Seed of Courage Essay Courage is an essential quality that is found in every archetypal hero. Courage is defined as the quality of mind and spirit that enables an individual to face difficulty, danger, and pain without fear. An individual is not born with a courageous heart, but instead develops courage through experience of difficulty and danger. The stimulation of courage is analogous to the growth of a beautiful flower. Courage starts off as a seed which is planted in the soil of the individuals heart. The planting of the seed is usually initiated by a courageous act during a time of difficulty or danger. As an individual experiences many of these dangerous and difficult circumstances, the individuals courage begins†¦show more content†¦Frodos willingness to face even greater dangers clearly demonstrates that his courage continues to grow. Frodo once again shows his constant growth of courage during the journey through the Mines of Moria. When the Fellowsh ip is venturing in the Mines of Moria, they run into a large group of orcs. As one of the orcs tries to break into the room that the Fellowship is trapped in, Boromir strikes at the arm of the orc. Although Boromir is a powerful warrior, his sword does nothing and slips from his hands. After Boromir fails to harm the orc, Suddenly, and to his own surprise, Frodo felt a hot wrath blaze up in his heart. Ì’ The Shire! Ì“ he cried, and springing beside Boromir, he stooped , and stabbed with Sting at the hideous foot (364). Consequently, Frodos courage overpowers Boromirs brute strength. Furthermore, Frodos attack on an individual orc causes his courage to grow strong enough to fight against a hoard of orcs. After Frodo and the Fellowship kill thirteen orcs, the rest of the orcs temporarily run away giving time for the Fellowship to escape. Following the Council of Elrond and the journey through the Mines of Moria, Frodos courage becomes more natural, thus revealing that Fr odos courage is near full growth. Frodo shows full transformation into a courageous individual at Là ³rien and through his most courageous act of all at Amon Hen. Frodo first shows his full transformation into a courageous
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Impact Of The First World War On African People
At the same point in time of the novel, political unrest was in action. Author Tim Stapleton writes in his article The Impact of the First World War on African People that â€Å"During the First World War the westernized African elite, a product of European missionary schools, was still in its infancy. It represented a tiny minority who had achieved success within the western educational system, mastered the colonial language, converted to Christianity, and usually occupied junior positions within the colonial hierarchy such as clerks, teachers, or clergymen†(Par.28). This type of change in society is pretty accurately depicted in the novel. One of Nnu Egos son’s choses to go to a university in the United States after he becomes educated and this was something that would have never happened before British influence came about. The way that Nnu Ego has to send her two eldest sons to go to school represents the impact that the western colonization had on the African cult ure. This influence also, causes her and her family moved into a small apartment verses the typical huts made of mud and leaves. In relation, the British saw the domestic slaves as illegal. Nwokocha Agbadi knows how important slaves are to his village household, but he also wishes to please the British. Emecheta writes that eventually, he â€Å"stop[s] dealing in slaves†and â€Å"offer [s] freedom to the ones in his household. He even join [s] a group of leaders who encouraged slaves to return to their places of origin†¦.Show MoreRelatedThe Slavery Of The Moors1241 Words  | 5 Pagesand mistreatment were found out by Europeans from the Moors and the Africans themselves. One story of how a preacher obtained his, the first slave, shows the point. The Missionary purchased a slave who should be supper with a specific end goal to have the young men life saved. Persecution in Africa is deliberate and needs no remuneration! 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Many African Americans worked closely with the government to both rally black support for the war and to help battle against issues such as lynching and segregation. For example, Emmett Scott, the former secretary to to Booker T. Washington at the Tuskegee Institute, was able to organize a conference for black newspaper editors and political leaders in Washington, D.C. in June 1918. This conference yielded positive results. The attendeesRead MoreAssess the social impact of the Second World War on women and ethnic minorities in the United States.1043 Words  | 5 PagesThe Second World War had a profound effect on white men who lived in the United States during the 1940s. Many volunteered for overseas military service, and many more joined the army in the nations first peacetime draft, which occurred in 1941 as a precursor to the United Statess future involvement in the war. World War II also, however, had a profound impact on the lives of women and ethnic minorities in the United States. 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Free Essay on Domestic Violence by Top Experts
Question: Write an essay discussing the above scenario exploring what you know about Domestic Violence, how this scenario fits the pattern of an abusive relationship and what options there are available to victims and perpetrators. Answer: Introduction: Domestic violence is a prototype of abusing behavior in a relationship of domestic purview where one partner of that relationship inflicts unnecessary power upon the other partner of the same relationship with an object to maintain or control the other partner, this infliction of power may be in various forms like sexual, emotional, physical, psychological or economical actions or threats of actions which affects the other person. Domestic violence is a large social menace for the human society and this menace is created by the individuals themselves. Apart from physical torture an act of domestic violence imposes a huge effect upon the psychological condition of the victim. A man or women who have suffered from an act of domestic violence are used to get afraid of the relationships. For example if a person inhumanly beats his wife without any reason for a continues period then apart from that physical torture the wife gets mentally injured and her mental stability gets suffered as well as she will lose the affection towards her husband due to such way of torture. In present society one woman of every four women gets suffered by an act of domestic violence, in every week around two women are used to be killed by their former or present partners and this number is still increasing. Most of the victims of domestic violence gets victimized again and again by their partners this is around 57 per cent of victims are going through the same stage. This signifies improper implementation of legislations in this regard. According to the statistics every minute the police authorities receives a call for domestic violence and this is done only by the 36 per cent among all the cases. In most of the cases of domestic violence 90 per cent children gets affected and this number is rapidly increasing and endearing the future security of children specially as to their mental conditions (Anon, 2015). Identification of reasons for domestic violence: According to Social Learning Theory, main reasons for an act of domestic violence are misunderstandings among the husband and wife, work stress, addiction for alcohol, financial problem, miscommunication, lack of proper sense of gratitude, responsibilities as to the family and many other factors are responsible in respect of increasing acts relating to domestic violence. In most of the cases it has been noticed that one of the primary cause of acts relating to domestic violence is addiction towards drugs and alcohol. Some other very relevant factors in present day society relating to domestic violence are proper mental stability, self control, impatience nature and many others (Handley, 2002). According to general system theory, violence is the consequence of a broken family system, for resolving it the members of the family have to fix the system and the violence shall be eliminated. Here, Aimee has failed to fix the system of the family. In this case the resource theory is also applicable to a certain extent, in this theory it is mentioned that the member of the family who contributes most of the resources in the family, uses physical power to maintain supremacy. The damaging psychological impact it can have on women or men who face such circumstances. According to Bidermans Scale of Coercion, there are five stages for having control over a person, those are; Emotional abuse Isolation iii. Threats of violence and violent attacks Omnipotence Kindness, In the case of Castle Rock v. Gonzales the court of law has observed that the main reasons behind an act of domestic violence is the mental condition of the person and the surroundings, it may be work stress, misunderstanding or any kind of addiction that make a man brutal upon his own family members, the court also observed that an act of domestic violence affects the children of the family in most influencing manner. Though this act is known as an act of domestic violence but the consequences of it are not restricted within the purview of a domestic problem, it is a problem for the society in general. Laws relating to domestic violence: Due to the increasing rate of activities relating to domestic violence, the concern of the governments in the United Kingdom has been attracted to this burning issue. The legislative bodies of the concern countries have enacted various legislations in relation to restrict the acts of domestic violence (Bradley, 2011). In the year 2004 the parliament of United Kingdom has enacted the statute in relation to restrict the acts of domestic violence, namely The Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims Act 2004. This Act is related to criminal justice and also emphasizes upon legal protection and proper assistance to the victims of crime, especially the victims of domestic violence (Jaising Sakhrani, 2007). It also makes bigger the conditions for trials without any jury, brings in a new rule for trials for reasoning the death of a child or susceptible adult, and authorizes. In the MARACs behavior it is mentioned that the act of domestic violence has some great efficacy as to the mental stability of the victim, especially when the victim is a child. An act of domestic violence affects the members of the family greatly, especially the members of age of 16 or above. The abuse may be encompasses into the factors like psychology, financial, sexual, emotional and physical and there is no such limitation as to it. The executive authorities of the nation that is the police should be more cautious regarding the complaints and factors relating to an act of domestic violence (Investopedia, 2015). Relation with the mentioned illustration: As per the mentioned scenario Aimee is an adult woman living with her husband Mark along with her child Samantha, when her husband gather the know that her wife is pregnant for the first time he despite of getting excited got angry on her wife and tortured her, though after few days he realized his faults and things came under control. Again when it came to the knowledge of Mark that Aimee is pregnant for the second time he could not control himself and again torture his wife. Because of the relationship and feeling of love from the part of Aimee she has not disclosed any of these facts to any one and she kept quite in this issue. But here a major matter of concern arose for Aimee, that if this things are going in the same manner her child Samantha and the child in her womb will get affected and their mental condition as to the reputation of their parents are not going to be up to the mark. So under this particular scenario, not only Aimee her child Samantha as well as the child in h er womb is getting affected by the act of Mark, because of this torture the child in her womb could have died. So, in this particular scenario, it can be clearly mention that there is an act of domestic violence from the part of Mark upon his wife and child, though Mark has not abused his child or torture his child but the child Samantha is also affected by the act of domestic violence from his father. Here, Aimee is at a freedom to go against the tortures implicated upon her by her husband; she has the right to approach the court of law with competent jurisdiction for the purpose of getting justice and to make her husband Mark to be penalized in accordance with the provisions of law (Bird Bird, 2006). In part two of The Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims Act 2004, it is clearly mentioned that any act relating to harassing any person by way of physical torture or by any other way in a serious manner then the person who has committed such an act shall be liable for facing legal consequences and the act is arrest able under the provision of the said Act. In the same Act section 12 and section 13 deals with the restriction to the territory of England and Wales and Northern Ireland respectively. In this regard the only child of them Samantha was not only victimized of the act of domestic violence but he is the most important witness of this act done by her father as he has saw all the acts of violence inflicted upon her mother and Samantha is the only person who has observed that in closer way. In Marks tactics in this regard is that there is cycle of abuse in his behavior of domestic violence at first stage tension builds in the concern person thereafter he acted out such tension by way of inflicting torture, abusing, annoying and many other ways upon her wife and child. After this while the victim is supposed to take legal steps, the wrong doer feels guilty and begs for mercy and a reconciliation process starts. Later on the relationship comes into a calm and stable condition. But after some time it begun with the first stage again and this cycle goes on unless a permanent restitution made. she witnesses to her mother..if so why... how.. Detrimental effects etc? Preventive measures taken: For the purpose of restricting the acts of domestic violence many criminal as well as civil legislations has been introduced by the appropriate government. Section 16 of the Youth Justice and Criminal Evidence Act 1999, deals with various measures in relation to stop the acts of domestic violence, in this section reporting restrictions and special measures for the victims of domestic violence is also provided, the importance of protection of witnesses and other relevant evidence are also provided under this section of the concern Act (Meyersfeld, 2010). In case of a family proceedings adequate documentation plays an important role in the proceedings of law, statements acquired from the victim or witness, expert reports in accordance with CAFCASS, relating to any children affected by the dispute, evidence transcription etc, all these documents are kept confidential according to the prescribed rules of Family Proceedings Rules 1991 (SI 1991/1247). In dealing with family issues like domestic violence the executive bodies such as police are very conscious and delicate (Kiesel, 2007). Refuges are not exempted from the protection provided by the concern government, it mainly concerns about the protection of the children and the female members of the family, and they are entitled to get justice as per the provisions of the concern law of the land. Conclusion: After the above description it can be summarized that domestic violence is the burning issue of the entire society and it not only affects the adults but it puts a huge impact upon the children in the family, these are very sensitive and confidential issues that is why victims are quite reluctant to disclose the facts to anyone. But if the victims are not aware of the future consequences of this burning menace it will destroy not only their life but the life of their children as well. For the purpose of restricting this menace the concern governments has taken many prohibitory provisions which are quite effectual too. The laws relating to the domestic violence has great significance to the society, it not only protects the family but also protects the society at large. As society is used to be greatly affected by the criminal acts like domestic violence, judicial system also plays an important role in restricting the acts of domestic violence by interpreting the present statute as pe r the situation demands . References Anon, (2015). [online] Available at: https://www.lwa.org.uk/understanding-abuse/statistics. [Accessed 21 Mar. 2015]. Investopedia, (2015).Investopedia - Educating the world about finance. [online] Available at: https://www.investopedia.com [Accessed 21 Mar. 2015]. Bashall, R., Hague, G., Mullender, A. (2011).Disabled Women and Domestic Violence. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers. Bird, R., Bird, R. (2006).Domestic violence. Bristol: Family law. Bradley, T. (2011).Women, Violence and Tradition. London: Zed Books. Cps.gov.uk,. (2015).The Crown Prosecution Service. Retrieved 14 March 2015, from https://www.cps.gov.uk Freeman, M. (2008).Domestic violence. Aldershot, Hampshire, England: Ashgate. Gorin, S. (2004).Understanding what children say. London: National Children's Bureau. Handley, W. (2002).Marriage, violence, and the nation in the American literary West. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Hanmer, J., Itzin, C. (2000).Home truths about domestic violence. London: Routledge. Hester, M., Pearson, C., Harwin, N. (2000).Making an impact. London: Jessica Kinglsley Publishers. Humphreys, C., Stanley, N. (2006).Domestic violence and child protection. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers. Humphries, D. (2009).Women, violence, and the media. Boston: Northeastern University Press. Jackson, N. (2007).Encyclopedia of domestic violence. New York: Routledge. Jaising, I., Sakhrani, M. (2007).Law of domestic violence. New Delhi: Universal Law Pub. Co. Jasper, M. (2007).The law of violence against women. New York: Oceana. Kenney, K. (2012).Domestic violence. Edina, Minn.: ABDO Pub. Kenney, K. (2012).Domestic violence. Edina, Minn.: ABDO Pub. Kiesel, D. (2007).Domestic violence. Newark, NJ: LexisNexis Matthew Bender. Leotta, A. (2011).Law of attraction. Detroit: Thorndike Press. Lombard, N., McMillan, L. (2013).Violence against women. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers. Meyersfeld, B. (2010).Domestic violence and international law. Oxford: Hart. Build arguments continuously..i.e. present one point and counteract it with another sometimes.. this shows critical thinking, and it also shows a diverse breadth of knowledge.
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